...Always Keep The Faith...

**郑允浩+金在中+朴有仟+金俊秀+沈昌珉** ...

By 仙后


It was so boring...

It was too boring nowadays...
wondering what can I do...Bored till die...
It's always so free and boring when starting new semester but when it gonna end...
busy like hell...all assignment giving at same time...
Not got time to done it well also...
But now...damn free,,,
Don't know what can I do for now...
suppose to be more hard-work a bit...
but just seem like nothing can do...

Since we had saw almost all the lecturer and tutor, it just give me a feeling that this semester won;t be so easy to pass it well...
Especially computer graphics, a lecturer with Dr. and PhD.,sure not so easy to get over her...But , I think we can learn many things from her professional...
Starting two new blog this few days...
One is for the CG assignment group blog and one is for my own...^^
another blog...XD
Maybe it can be manage well and share it to other...
this one got too many secret so it just better being hidden all the times~

Didn't plan to share out the group blog at first because lecturer haven't ask us to do so
and I afraid that it will be copied by others...
but my group mate share it out on Facebook and now everyone SAW already...
I can't changes nothing already so just let it be...
I really don't like other ape anythings from mine...
So, you better don't do like that,,,
but all my group mate didn't have blog before and just start to use it and one of them copy all what I had put into the group blog to her blog already...>.<
Since she was the group member, I forgive her...
And now the blog is open to everyone already...
To prevent any plagiarist ,I need to find out more and more interesting and new things to make my blog different than others...
I just don't like be the same as other...
Good luck for me...=)
